Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Part of SVBF’s Mission Statement is to actively conduct and participate in humanitarian, charitable and community service initiatives.

VIDYA DAANA PROGRAM (Gift of Education)

SVBF has partnered with local school district to identify the needs of the under – privileged students. With generous donations received towards the highly successful Vidya Daana Program, SVBF has been delivering upwards of 150 backpacks with equal no.of school kits to needy students since the school year 2021-22 and continuing every year.


The goal of this program is to help those in hunger in our local community. In collaboration with SewaDiwali we collected non-perishable vegetarian food items (about 710 lbs of food) along with a large monetary donation were donated to a local organization, CARES of Farmington Hills, that serves needy people in many nearby cities. This program is successfully continuing every year.


SVBF has partnered with American Red Cross to extend our facility for conducting Blood Donation drives regularly working with other voluntary organizations

COVID-19 Vaccination Drive

SVBF partnered with a local pharmacy and conducted multiple vaccination drive events in 2021 administering around 3,000 doses to community residents. With active support of youth volunteers and medical professionals who participated in these drives passionately the events were well received.